MEG Steel Flanges is an ISO Quality Certifical Company ISO 9001=2008 Approved Our Quality System provides guidelines by which we measure our performances enabling us to continuously improve our processes.

The application of these principals allows us to provide the product quality and service that our customers deserve and expect. We are also regularly monitored and approved by companies on the oilfield chainmail industries.

As standard, all MEG Steel products are ISO 9001, and 3.1 certified . MEG Steel also offers a range of mechanical and non destructive testing such as MPI, PMI, Ultra Sonic, Radiography, Hardness and DPI to client specification. Any other specified testing or certification requirements can be provided upon request.

We are actively committed to complying with all relevant environmental legislation and we expect that conformance to ISO 14001:2004 will be achieved in the near future. To this end we have put into place a management system to maintain operational standards to protect the environment.

MEG steel Flanges we comply with the minimum requirements and wherever reasonably practicable shall exceed them We recognise the duties we have to our staff, contractors, visitors and any others who may be affected by our activities.